Cesar Garcia cegara at idecnet.com
Tue Nov 6 03:02:41 CST 2001


 César García.
    Dept. Sistemas, IdecNet S.A.
    Centro de Gestión de Red.
    Edificio IdecNet. C/Juan XXIII 44.
    E-35004, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
    Islas Canarias - España.
    Tfn:  +34 828 111 000 Ext: 340
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Le Anh Tuan 
  To: radiator at open.com.au 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 4:59 AM
  Subject: (RADIATOR) Connect to MS SQL Server 2000 from Linux

  Hi All,
  Does anyone successfully connect to MS SQL Server 2000 from RedHat Linux? I tried Sybase client and FreeTDS but none of these methods work. I prefer running Radiator on Linux and storing user database on W2K+SQL 2000, but I can not configure them to work together.

  Le Anh Tuan
  R&D Department
  Netnam Corporation
  Institute of Information Technology
  Email: latuan at netnam.vn

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