(RADIATOR) Writing to Radiator's Logfile from an AuthBy EXTERNAL program

Bart Masters bamaster at aapt.com.au
Mon Nov 5 22:20:20 CST 2001


Got a lil prob here - hopefully someone can see a way through it.  I've got a perl program which I'm calling from the AuthBy EXTERNAL clause within my handler.cfg file.  Within my program, I want to write entries to the main Radiator logfile, ie the one that Radiator itself is writing to.  I can't use the call that a hook would use, ie 

 &main::log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "This is an error message");

because being its own separate program, it can't get to the main::log subroutine.

I could try using Radius::Log in my own program - but that would also mean having to get hold of the logname from Radius.cfg and the like, and I fear that could turn out to be a nightmare.

Has anyone done this before?  Is there a simple option that I'm just missing?  Any ideas/answers would be greatly appreciated.


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