(RADIATOR) Multiple accounting methods

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Thu Nov 1 23:21:29 CST 2001

Hello Barry -

Yes it is - note the empty AuthSelect in the AuthBy SQL clause that 
disables authentication. Also note the AuthByPolicy in the AuthBy 
GROUP clause which will either authenticate through the AuthBy SYTEM 
-or- the AuthBy FILE (if this is not what you want you can change it).



>Hi Hugh,
>I still want to authenticate by the UNIX passwd file for the time being but
>write accounting records to mySQL. Is thsi the correct config for that
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Hugh Irvine" <hugh at open.com.au>
>To: "Barry Andersson" <barry at simplex.net.au>
>Cc: <radiator at open.com.au>
>Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 15:02
>Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Multiple accounting methods
>>  Hello Barry -
>>  Yes this is very simple to do.
>>  # define AuthBy clauses
>>  <AuthBy SQL>
>>  Identifier SQLAccounting
>>  DBSource .....
>>  DBUsername .....
>>  DBAuth .....
>>  AuthSelect
>>  AccountingTable ACCOUNTING
>>  AcctCloumnDef .....
>>  .....
>>  </AuthBy>
>>  <AuthBy FILE>
>>  Identifier CheckFile
>>    Filename ./users
>>  </AuthBy>
>>  <AuthBy SYSTEM>
>>  Identifier CheckSystem
>>  UseGetspnamf
>>  </AuthBy>
>>  <AuthBy GROUP>
>>  Identifier CheckUsers
>>  AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept
>>  AuthBy CheckFile
>>  AuthBy CheckSystem
>>  </AuthBy>
>>  # define Realm
>>  <Realm auth>
>>    RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
>>    MaxSessions 1
>>  AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
>>  AuthBy SQLAccounting
>>  AuthBy CheckUsers
>>  AcctLogFileName /var/log/radius/detail
>>  </Realm>
>>  regards
>>  Hugh
>>  >Hi,
>>  >
>>  >Is it possible to record accounting data to the standard detail fiel as
>>  >as a mySQL database? We are currently logging just to the detail file but
>>  >would like to change over to mySQL eventually so would like to log to
>>  >in the meantime while we rewrite the billing software to cope.
>>  >
>>  >Following is the appropriate section of our current radius.cfg
>>  >
>>  ><Realm auth>
>>  >  RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
>>  >  MaxSessions 1
>>  ><AuthBy FILE>
>>  >   Filename ./users
>>  ></AuthBy>
>>  ><AuthBy SYSTEM>
>>  >UseGetspnamf
>>  >Identifier System
>>  ></AuthBy>
>>  >AcctLogFileName /var/log/radius/detail
>>  ></Realm>
>>  >
>>  >Barry Andersson
>>  >Simplex ISP
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >===
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>>  >'unsubscribe radiator' in the body of the message.
>>  --
>>  NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our
>>  Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
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NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our correspondence.

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anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald,
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