(RADIATOR) Bad authenticator in request from DEFAULT ?

Pascal Robert pascal at team.inter.net
Thu May 31 08:26:35 CDT 2001

On 5/28/01 20:06, "Hugh Irvine" <hugh at open.com.au> wrote:

> Hello Pascal -
> This is usually due to the shared secrets not being set correctly.

Ok, I resolved this issue.  For some reasons, I have some IdenticalClients
lines that were more than 80 chars and it didn't like it.

Now, I have two other problems.  The log file reports that Attributes 197
and 255 (Ascend-Xmit-Rate and Ascend-Data-Rate) are missing, even if they do
are in the dictionnary (and accounting logs those attributes, strange).

The other is that all outgoing proxy requests timeout:

*** Received from port 4901 ....
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 69
Authentic:  <179><169><179><240><30>25<143><165>_<240><253>"<206>kQ
        User-Name = "radius-hq at pa.inter.net"
        User-Password = "<225>Qh<166><23>i<243><228><146>:<221>c<252>\l/"

Wed May 30 13:34:46 2001: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler
Wed May 30 13:34:46 2001: DEBUG:  Deleting session for
radius-hq at pa.inter.net,,
Wed May 30 13:34:46 2001: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthRADIUS
Wed May 30 13:34:46 2001: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 1645 ....
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 2
Authentic:  <179><169><179><240><30>25<143><165>_<240><253>"<206>kQ
        User-Name = "radius-hq at pa.inter.net"
        User-Password =

Wed May 30 13:34:47 2001: DEBUG: Timed out, retransmitting
Wed May 30 13:34:47 2001: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to port 1645 ....
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 2
Authentic:  <179><169><179><240><30>25<143><165>_<240><253>"<206>kQ
        User-Name = "radius-hq at pa.inter.net"
        User-Password =

Wed May 30 13:34:48 2001: DEBUG: Packet dump:

| Pascal Robert                               Inter.net Canada |
|                                                              |
| Gestionnaire technique de projets /Technical Project Manager |
|                                                              |
| <http://www.ca.inter.net/>            pascal at team.inter.net  |

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