Fwd: bug in AddressAllocatorSQL.pm Patch? (was Fwd: (RADIATOR) AuthBy DYNADDRESS problem)

Johann Vincent Paul U. Tagle tagle.ju at 100.ph
Wed May 30 23:08:01 CDT 2001

Hi.  I tried to post this to the list but I guess it rejects emails with 
attachments.  (Hugh, I copied you the original email, did you get the 
config file and trace file (zip attachment)?)



>Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 11:52:36 +0800
>To: radiator at open.com.au
>From: Johann Tagle <tagle.ju at 100.ph>
>Subject: bug in AddressAllocatorSQL.pm Patch? (was Fwd: (RADIATOR) AuthBy 
>DYNADDRESS problem)
>Cc: hugh at open.com.au
>Hi.  This is a follow-up on the error I encountered with AuthBY 
>DYNAADDRESS (shown below).  I suspect a bug in the AddressAllocatorSQL.pm 
>starting with the one included in patches-2.17.1.  To eliminate the 
>possibility that it is my custom AuthBy module that causes the problem, I 
>tried a simpler config file (attached zip includes both config file and 
>trace 4 log) which is based on the addressallocator.cfg and radmin.cfg 
>supplied in the goodies directory.
>I do the following test:
>1.  Startup both primary and secondary MySQL database
>2.  Start Radiator
>3.  Attempt authentication using radpwtst -> success
>4.  Shutdown primary MySQL database
>5.  Attempt authentication using radpwtst -> failed (same error as below)
>I also tried Radiator-2.18 and it also failed.  What worked is 
>Radiator-2.17.1 using the original AddressAllocatorSQL.pm.  I would 
>therefore like to ask regarding the potential race condition the 
>patches.README of patches-2.17.1 described regarding the original 
>module.  If my second Radiator server is just a backup and is not used 
>unless the first server timeouts, will we encounter a problem?
>>X-Authentication-Warning: server1.open.com.au: majordomo set sender to 
>>owner-radiator at open.com.au using -f
>>X-Sender: johann at mail.100.ph
>>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.0.2
>>Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 08:56:17 +0800
>>To: radiator at open.com.au
>>From: tagle.ju at 100.ph (Johann Vincent Paul  U. Tagle)
>>Subject: (RADIATOR) AuthBy DYNADDRESS problem
>>Sender: owner-radiator at open.com.au
>>Hi.  We're using Radiator 2.17.1 with MySQL.  I encountered an error 
>>using AuthBy DYNADDRESS:
>>The logfile (trace 4) shows:
>>Sat May 26 23:58:26 2001: ERR: do failed for 'update RADPOOL set STATE=1, 
>>EXPIRY=990919371, USERNAME= where YIADDR='' and TIME_STAMP 
>>=988339515': You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'where 
>>YIADDR='' and TIME_STAMP =988339515' at line 2
>>Take note that the USERNAME field does not have any value assigned.  The 
>>above repeats so many times and then is followed by:
>>Sat May 26 23:58:26 2001: INFO: Access rejected for <username>: Too many 
>>simultaneous address requests
>>(I deleted the actual <username> from above) I take it that Radiator 
>>concludes of a too many simultaneous address requests because of the SQL 
>>syntax.  This did not happen before when we were in testing phase.  Also, 
>>I only had to restart Radiator to fix it.  What could have caused the problem?
>>Johann Tagle
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