(RADIATOR) proxy impersonating many NASen :-(

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed May 30 19:49:34 CDT 2001

Hi Neale -

On Wednesday 30 May 2001 23:24, Neale Banks wrote:
> G'day Hugh,
> > I would like to see some packet dumps from this proxy, as rewriting the
> > NAS-IP-Address is completely bogus.
> Packet dumps coming separately.  I agree that rewriting the NAS-IP-Address
> is just "not Cricket" - and rewriting them all to the same value isn't
> even Ice Hockey ;-)
> > In any case, as you rightly point out, the standard Radiator behaviour is
> > based on a unique NAS-IP-Address/NAS-Port tuple, and if this is not
> > unique then you will have problems.
> Yes.  Looking a bit further under the hood at the Radiator (yes, pun
> intended ;-) I see that it's actually "$nas_id:$nas_port" that must be
> unique and that Radius.pm first tries NAS-IP-Address then NAS-Identifer
> when determining $nas_id - fine but for this bit of Radius.pm:
>             # Theres no Nas-IP-Address, so try for NAS-Identifier
>             my $nas_id = $self->getAttrByNum
>                 ($Radius::Radius::NAS_IDENTIFIER);
>             if ($nas_id =~ /(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/)
>             {
>                 $self->{CachedAttrs}{NasId} = $1;
>             }
> Not being a perl programmer, I struggle - but that does look mightily like
> as if NAS-Identifier will only get into $nas_id if NAS-Identifier looks
> like an IP Address in dotted-quad format.  But RFC2865 defines
> NAS-Identifer as a string, so it can legitimately take almost any form.
> What have I missed?
> > You basically have two options. The first is to find something in the
> > packet that is unique and use that. And the second is to do some
> > manipulation of the contents of one or more attributes to generate
> > something unique.
> Agreed.  And as I can't find anything unique-to-NAS in the packet, that
> leaves manipulation.
> > In either case, I would use an SQL session database and set up your own
> > queries in the SessionDatabase SQL clause, which avoids having to mess
> > around with the standard Radiator code.
> What a fiendishly clever idea!  Unfortunately there's no convenient SQL
> repository right now - but I'll definitely keep that one in mind.
> > One note on your hack-around below - by definition the Access-Request's
> > will not contain an Acct-Session-Id (at least I would be surprised if
> > they did), so I doubt that you will be able to do what you describe.
> No, the Access-Request does include Acct-Session-Id (according to the
> RFC2866 it MAY do this: "An Access-Request packet MAY have an
> Acct-Session-Id; if it does, then the NAS MUST use the same
> Acct-Session-Id in the Accounting- Request packets for that session" -
> hopefully it's only an oversight that that last MUST is not currently
> being complied with).
>From owner-radiator at open.com.au Wed May 30 18:06:22 2001
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From: Hugh Irvine <hugh at open.com.au>
Reply-To: hugh at open.com.au
Organization: Open System Consultants
To: Gerd Bitzer <gerd.bitzer at tesion.de>, radiator at open.com.au
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Subroutines or Macros
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 10:55:43 +1000
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Hello Gerd -

On Wednesday 30 May 2001 22:24, Gerd Bitzer wrote:
> Hi List,
> there are multiple Handlers defined in my radius.cfg, but there are
> identical lines in each of the Handlers, typically RewriteUsername
> statements.
> Is there a way to define a kind of subprogram or macro, which could be
> referenced inside each of the handlers, but could then be maintained
> only once in this subprogram ?

You can define your AuthBy clauses outside your Handlers and use Identifiers 
to refer to them, like this:

# define AuthBy clauses

<AuthBy ....>
	Identifier CheckSomeThing

<AuthBy ....>
	Identifier CheckAnotherThing

<AuthBy GROUP>
	Identifier CheckSeveralThings
	AuthByPolicy .....
	AuthBy CheckSomeThing
	AuthBy CheckAnotherThing

# now define Handlers

<Handler .....>
	AuthBy CheckSeveralThings

<Handler .....>
	AuthBy CheckSeveralThings

Note that you can also use "Include" files if you wish, although I personally 
prefer the above format.



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Quite right - I've just never seen it before.

> I think this whole problem would go away if:
> * the proxy did NOT send NAS-IP-Address at all (or we strip it out), and
> * the proxy sent NAS-Identifier (with a suitable per-NAS value, or we
>   construct this Attribute with a suitable value), and
> * Radiator was happy with the format of the NAS-Identifier.

You can easily strip out or modify the NAS-IP-Address in a PreClientHook (see 
the file "goodies/hooks.txt").

Radaitor will be happy with a string format.



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