(RADIATOR) LDAPSDK and Radiator 2.18.1

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed May 30 19:57:00 CDT 2001

Hello Julio -

Many thanks for posting this information - its very interesting.

I have also forwarded this to Mike so he can fix the module.



On Wednesday 30 May 2001 21:53, julio.prada at bt.es wrote:
> I try the same correction with AuthLDAP2.pm in Radiator 2.18 and it seems
> to work fine!
> So in the AuthLDAPSDK.pm comment:
> #    $filter = eval qq/"$filter"/; # Interpolate perl vars
> - Performance Tip -
> With LDAP2 -> 55 request/per second
> With LDAPSDK -> 115 request/per second
> regards,
> jules
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: julio.prada at bt.es [mailto:julio.prada at bt.es]
> Enviado el: miércoles 30 de mayo de 2001 10:30
> Para: hugh at open.com.au; radiator at open.com.au
> Asunto: (RADIATOR) LDAPSDK and Radiator 2.18.1
> Hello,
> Until now I was using LDAP2 with no problems. But now, I want to see
> whether using LDAPSDK the ldap accesses are fastest.
> Products installed were:
> perldap 1.4.1 from Mozilla <- linux
> Netscape SDK C 4.1 <- linux
> Netscape SDK C 4.0 <- linux
> Netscape SDK C 3.0 <- linux
> I try to compile perldap with several releases of the NSDK C, but the error
> obtained is always the same.
> The .cfg used has no variations except the <AuthBy LDAP2> replaced by a
> <AuthBy LDAPSDK>. No Searchfilters are used, and there aren't special
> config lines to emphasize.
> When authentication request arrive, Radiator says :
> >> Global symbol "@domain" requires explicit package name at (eval 228)
> >> line
> 1 << and then it dies.
> Then I went to the NDS host (with Netscape Directory Server 4.1 <- Solaris)
> and in the error/log it says:
> >> [timestamp] - get_filter: unknown type 0x30 <<
> >> [timestamp] - slapi_filter_free: unknown type 0x30 <<
> Any workaround to this problem?
> best regards,
> jules
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From: Hugh Irvine <hugh at open.com.au>
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Organization: Open System Consultants
To: Steve Phillips <steve at nz.asiaonline.net>, radiator at open.com.au
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) AuthBy NT and static IP's
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Hello Steve -

You will need to use cascaded AuthBy clauses and a users file:

# define AuthBy clauses

<AuthBy FILE>
	Identifier CheckFILE
	Filename ....

<AuthBy NT>
	Identifier CheckNT

# define Realms or Handlers

<Realm ....>
	AuthBy CheckFILE

Then in the users file you would have this:

# users file 

DEFAULT  Auth-Type = CheckNT

user1  Auth-Type = CheckNT
	Framed-IP-Address = x.x.x.x ,

user2 Auth-Type = CheckNT
	Framed-IP-Address = y.y.y.y ,




On Wednesday 30 May 2001 20:23, Steve Phillips wrote:
> Hiyas,
> has anyone got an example of how to do this ? we have a few hundred users
> authenticating off an NT domain and there is a need for around half of them
> to have static IP addresses, short of adding a seperate handler for each
> user with the reply attributes set in the conf file, is there any other way
> to assign static IP's to users authenticated off an NT domain ?
> Probably missing the obvious again (and yes, i've been busy reading the
> archives)
> --
> Steve.
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