(RADIATOR) bugaboo?

Chris M chrism at peakpeak.com
Thu May 24 14:29:20 CDT 2001

I found a bugaboo or two, or some kind of configuration oddity I can't

It's 2.18.1 running on Linux, I tried 7.0 and then upgraded the box to 7.1
when that didn't work.

This config works fine on a totally different machine, which really had me

It seems that someplace in Configuarble.pm around line 72 Radiator is
reading in the config file lines and passing them off to Vfuncs for each
keyword encountered.

In my config I have this a few lines down :

#<Log SQL>
#        DBSource   dbi:mysql:radiator_poop
#        DBUsername mysql
#        DBAuth     JKSJHDJSjasdhdjasdawuyu
#       Trace 3

When I uncomment it Radiator gives up after parsing these lines in
Configurable.pm.  If I comment them out then Radiator starts up fine and
continues running.

Do I have some kind of DBI problem?  I am guessing that is what is going on,
however, there are no bad messages in the logs at all even though I'm at
Trace 4, the only messages that show up are "Request from unknown client".
But these are occurring only because Radiator is getting requests but since
it didn't finish reading the config file it isn't going to know about any

Personally I think Radius ought to refuse to start if it doesn't completely
parse the entire config file without errors. In this case it reads 30 lines
of the file, thinks it is done, and then leaves radiusd running.

My idea would be to count the number of lines in the config file and make
sure that each one has been read, at least, this would ensure that Radiator
doesn't start up after reading 30 lines of a 738-line config file like it's
doing now.


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