(RADIATOR) DSL authentication queuing

Andy De Petter adepette at krameria.net
Wed May 16 01:27:42 CDT 2001

Janet N del Mundo wrote:

> Hi Hugh,
> Can I run multiple instances of "restartWrapper" on the same machine? 
> Because I'm planning to run 2 Radiator processes on the same machine on
> different auth/acct ports to alleviate the DSL problem below.
> Thanks!
> Janet
> Hugh Irvine wrote:
>>Hello Janet -
>>I would run a seperate machine and/or instance of Radiator to run the DSL.
>>On Monday 14 May 2001 18:09, Janet N del Mundo wrote:
>>>Hello everyone,
>>>Anyone out there having problems with authenticating customers AFTER a
>>>Nortel Shasta (DSL) reboots?
>>>The problem that I am having is that when the Shasta reboots, DSL
>>>customers that are trying to re-login are over populating the
>>>authentication/accounting ports on the server.  When I do a 'netstat
>>>-na', the ports are overwhelmed with queued processes.  Thus affecting
>>>our regular dialup customers.  To alleviate the queued process, I
>>>comment out the 'client clauses' that accept requests from the Shasta
>>>for about 15-30 mins and restart radiator.   When I do this, our dialup
>>>customers can login.  After 15-30 mins, I put back the client clauses
>>>and restart radiator.  The queue builds up and authentication is still a
>>>bit slow, but it's authenticating both DSL and regular dialup
>>>customers.  Is there a better way to solve this 'congestion' with DSL
>>>BTW, we're re-selling DSL so I don't know when the Shasta re-boots or
>>>goes down.
>>>I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions!
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Yes, you can run as much as you like. :)



      Andy De Petter             _,'|            _.-''``-...___..--';
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