(RADIATOR) Multiple logins

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Fri May 11 18:53:37 CDT 2001

Hello Anton -

On Saturday 12 May 2001 02:30, Anton Krall wrote:
> Ive noticed that the DefaultSimultaneousUse clasue goes inside the
> Authby clasues.. but.. where do the check and reply items go? inside
> the AuthBy as well?

Radiator (and any Radius server) checks usernames and passwords (and 
additional check and reply items) against a user database that can be held in 
a variety of formats.

Check and Reply items go in the user definitions, in whatever user database 
you are using. How you go about this depends on the database in question.

> Ive seen your can set thing like Reject: reason... will this sow up on
> a Windows user screen as their reject reason on a text box or how does
> itwork?

This depends on the dialup client on the PC - you will have to check how the 
one you are using behaves in this situation.

> Ive seen thing like connect-rate, hour limit and such.. but where do
> they go ... and it seems they can be applied to certain users... where
> do you define them?

In the user database as described previously.

> Im asking this because the manual is not quite clear about this.

Have a look at sections 2 and 15 in the Radiator 2.18.1 reference manual.



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