Neale Banks neale at lowendale.com.au
Fri May 11 01:03:49 CDT 2001

With AuthLDAP2 and OpenLDAP, the out-of-box performace was *horrible*
(like well under 10requests/sec).  This was identified as
inefficiencies in the LDAP lookups, using BaseDN="ou=foo,o=bar,c=au".

In testing the ldap lookup, it was found that using
BaseDN="uid=user,ou=foo,o=bar,c=au" resulted in both an *enourmous*
performance increase and *much* less CPU usage by slapd, due to the
way the indexes are constructed.

How to implement this in Radiator?  The attached patchlet adds %0 and
%1 substitution for BaseDN, the same as is for SearchFilter.  Then use:

	BaseDN	%0=%1,ou=foo,o=bar,c=au
	Scope	base

Testing with radpwtst now gets ~40req/sec and cutting live shows all
working as expected.

Feedback on anything that looks sub-optimal (or even downright wrong)
would be greatly appreciated.

-------------- next part --------------
--- AuthLDAP2.pm-orig	Thu Apr 26 09:47:28 2001
+++ AuthLDAP2.pm	Fri May 11 10:39:27 2001
@@ -288,10 +288,14 @@
     my $filter = &Radius::Util::format_special($self->{SearchFilter}, 
 					       $p, $rp,
+    my $basedn = &Radius::Util::format_special($self->{BaseDN}, 
+					       $p, $rp,
+					       $self->{UsernameAttr},
+					       $name);
 #    $filter = eval qq/"$filter"/; # Interpolate perl vars
 #    print "base $self->{BaseDN}, filter $filter, @attrs\n";
     # We evaluate the search
     # with an alarm for the timeout period
@@ -303,11 +307,11 @@
 	unless ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || !$self->{Timeout});
 	    unless ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || !$self->{Timeout});
 	$result = $self->{ld}->search
-	    (base => $self->{BaseDN},
+	    (base => $basedn,
 	     scope => $self->{Scope},
 	     filter => $filter,
 	     attrs => \@attrs);

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