(RADIATOR) Clarification On Installing V.2.18.1 To V.2.18

Ingvar Berg (EIP) Ingvar.Berg at eip.ericsson.se
Wed May 9 00:51:04 CDT 2001

An additional thing that I have found useful is to put the raddb directory with config files directly below the ditribution directory. Like
This way, you can revert to the old state, including whatever config was required then.


-----Original Message-----
From: Hugh Irvine [mailto:hugh at open.com.au]
Sent: den 27 april 2001 04:57
To: Carlos P. Martinez; 'Radiator Tech Support'
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Clarification On Installing V.2.18.1 To V.2.18

Hello Carlos -

I have discussed this issue several times on the mailing list 
(www.starport.net/~radiator). My suggestion is always to create a new 
directory for every version of Radiator.

In your situation I would do this:

	create a top-level directory for Radiator

	mkdir F:\Radiator
	cd to that directory

	cd F:\Radiator

	download the distributions to this directory 

	unzip each distribution in this directory

This way you will keep the versions seperate and you can change from one to 
another much more easily.

	cd F:\Radiator\Radiator-2.18

	cd F:\Radiator\Radiator-2.18.1




On Friday 27 April 2001 04:42, Carlos P. Martinez wrote:
> Dear Radiator Community,
> I just saw the announcement from Open Systems and downloaded the new
> version of Radiator. However, being that I just start with Radiator about
> two weeks ago, I am very concern about what procedure to use in the
> upgrading from v2.18 to v2.18.1. I don't want to overwrite any files that I
> have already setup and configured to work on my system.
> I looked on Open System's web site for instructions on this process and I
> also looked for a readme file in the downloaded package, but I was not able
> to find one. On my test machine, I unzipped the v.2.18.1 file onto my v2.18
> directory and found that it only made a Radiator-2.18.1 sub-folder under my
> Radiator-2.18 folder. Likewise results when I unzipped the file to my root
> drive F:\.
> I then renamed my Radiator-2.18 folder to Radiator-2.18.1 and unzipped
> Radiator-2.18.1.tgz file to root of my F:\ drive. I checked the folders and
> found that the updated files were now in place.
> Question: Using this procedure to upgrade to Radiator -2.18.1, will any of
> my already configured files, such as radius.cfg be overwritten? Am I on
> target here with this procedure?
> I am very sorry for the long e-mail, but I feel that others in user
> community may the same problem(s) and questions.
> I thank the community in advance for its the kind attention and
> cooperation.
> Sincerely,
> Carlos
> Carlos P. Martinez | Microsoft Certified Professional
> Network/Systems Manager @
> Office: 303-346-2885 | Cell: 720-291-9793
> E-mail Address: carlos at pipelinebroadband.com
> "Only those who risk going too far can
> possibly find out how far one can go."
> -T.S. Eliot
> ===
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