(RADIATOR) Multiple ldap servers in config: failover

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Jun 19 12:06:12 CDT 2001

Hello Claude -

What version of Radiator are you using? What version of Perl? What 
version of perl-ldap? Can you also send me a trace 4 debug from 
startup, including the startup messages and some example queries and 
showing what happens when connectivity goes away?

I have also copied Mike on this mail for his thoughts.



At 3:16 PM +0200 6/19/01, Claude Iyi Dogan wrote:
>On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Ingvar Berg (EIP) wrote:
>>  Hi Claude,
>>  The Timeout and FailureBackoffTime attributes, and the use of 
>>ContinueWhileIgnore, control the failover behaviour.
>Here a snipset of my config:
># ADSL handler
><Handler Client-Identifier=ldap-dsl>
>     AcctLogFileName         %L/adsl/%c/%f-%g-%i
>     <AuthBy GROUP>
>         AuthByPolicy        ContinueWhileIgnore
>         <AuthBy LDAP2>
>             Timeout             5
>             FailureBackoffTime  600
>             Host                nnn.nnn.nnn.100
>             Port                389
>             [...]
>         </AuthBy>
>         <AuthBy LDAP2>
>             Timeout             5
>             FailureBackoffTime  600
>             Host                nnn.nnn.nnn.101
>             Port                389
>             [...]
>         </AuthBy>
>         <AuthBy LDAP2>
>             Timeout             5
>             FailureBackoffTime  600
>             Host                nnn.nnn.nnn.102
>             Port                389
>             [...]
>         </AuthBy>
>     </AuthBy>
><Handler Client-Identifier=ldap-dialup>
>[... similar stuff ...]
>I've (re-)started radiusd, it loads the config correctly.
>It binds to the first ldap server (nnn.nnn.nnn.100) and correctly
>authenticates users.
>If I then firewall the ldap server from the radius server, radiusd waits
>forever the ldap server to come back.
>I would like radiusd to use the next ldap server.
>Any suggestion?
>>  /Ingvar
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