(RADIATOR) Errors using AuthBy LDAP in Radiator

Alvin Anita anita at surfdiensten.nl
Tue Jun 12 03:47:59 CDT 2001

Hi All,

I recently download and installed the evaluation RADIUS on Winwods 2000. I
going to authenticate users with LDAP. As required I installed the perLDAP
using ppm. But when I start Radiator using my configuration file I get the
following errors:

-Mon Jun 11 16:26:00 2001: DEBUG: Reading users file c:\radiator\users
-Mon Jun 11 16:26:00 2001: DEBUG: Reading users file c:\radiator\users
-Mon Jun 11 16:26:00 2001: ERR: Could not load authentication module
-LDAP2: Can't locate Net/LDAP/Util.pm in @INC (@INC contains: . C:/Perl/lib
-rl/site/lib .) at Radius/AuthLDAP2.pm line 14, <FILE> line 63.
-BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Radius/AuthLDAP2.pm line 14, <FILE>
line 63
-Compilation failed in require at (eval 27) line 3, <FILE> line 63.
-Mon Jun 11 16:26:00 2001: ERR: Unknown keyword 'Host' in
goodies/surftest.cfg li
-ne 65
-Mon Jun 11 16:26:00 2001: ERR: Unknown keyword 'BaseDN' in
-line 72
-This Radiator license will expire on 2001-09-01
-This Radiator license will stop operating after 1000 requests
-To purchase an unlimited full source version of Radiator, see
-To extend your evaluation period, contact admin at open.com.au

The configuration file I am using:
-LogDir		.
-DbDir		.

-<Client localhost>
-        DupInterval 0
-        IgnoreAcctSignature
-        #NasType unknown
-	Secret secret
-<Realm surf.nl>
-        RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
-	<AuthBy LDAP2>
-            #Host
-            Host localhost
-            #Port: defaultport
-            Port 636
-	    BaseDN   o=SURFDIensten, c=AU
-            #UseSSL
-            #UseSSL filenaam.db
-            # Log in to LDAP as admin
-            #AuthDn admin
-            # log in to LDAP with password adminpassword
-            #AuthPassword adminpassword
-            # Use the uid attribute to match usernames
-            #UsernameAttr uid
-            # Plaintext passwords. Gasp
-            #PasswordAttr passwd
-            # Make timeout really short, 2 seconds
-           #Timeout 2
-        </AuthBy>

My question is: are there any more modules required for using LDAP with
RADIATOR, and where can I get them?

Thanks in advance.

Alvin Anita

SURFdiensten, omdat samenwerking ook voordelig is

Alvin Anita
Postbus 110          Onderdoor 74
3990 DC  Houten   3995 DX  Houten

Telefoon (direct): + 31 (0)30 - 298 30 14
Email: anita at surfdiensten.nl
Internet: http://www.surfdiensten.nl

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