(RADIATOR) sanitising usernames

Neale Banks neale at lowendale.com.au
Wed Jun 6 03:50:37 CDT 2001

Can anyone spot any deficiencies in this username-sanitising config
fragment (assuming the set of "acceptable" characters is [A-Za-z0-9-_@]:

# This SessionDatabase SHOULD come last
<SessionDatabase NULL>
	Identifier      SDB-Dummy

# Trap dodgy usernames...
# This Handler MUST come first
<Handler User-Name=/[^A-Za-z0-9-_@]/>
	SessionDatabase SDB-Dummy
	<AuthBy FILE>
	# This file has only 'DEFAULT Auth-Type="Reject:Bad characters"'
		Filename %D/users-REJ-BadChars

Obviously(?), the idea is to match and reject on any username which
matches any character in the set [^A-Za-z0-9-_@].


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