(RADIATOR) Empty Requests

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Sat Jul 28 04:56:36 CDT 2001

Hello Joseph -

This is a problem with your configuration file. A quick look at a 
trace 4 debug from Radiator will show you what is wrong.



At 14:17 +0200 01/7/27, NextGen Admin wrote:
>I have the following setup:
>Radiator 2.18.1
>MS SQL Server 2000
>Lucent PM3s and PM2
>Since a couple of months we are regularly seeing the following 
>warning message, which I have no idea from where its coming.
>WARNING: Could not find a handler for : request is ignored
>Any idea?
>Best Regards,
>Joseph Cilia
>Managing Director
>NextGen.net Limited
>Mobile: (+356) 947 2319
>Tel: (+356) 419109
>Fax: (+356) 438948
>ICQ: 9415615
>E-mail: jcilia at nextgen.net.mt
>URL: <<http://www.nextgen.net.mt>http://www.nextgen.net.mt>


NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our correspondence.

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