(RADIATOR) Here are my configs.........Plz help !!!

Imran Moin imran_cu at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 26 16:02:28 CDT 2001

Hi all,

Here are the radius.cfg and users file. I have not
changed anything else. I have the switch configured to
send requests on 1645 and 1646 ports. When i tried to
send the requests on 1812 and 1813, it
would take a lot of time for the answer to come back
(which would be authentication failed) and also the
logfile would not show me any entry. 

I am also sending u some of the output of the log

C if u can figure it out. It would mean a lot to me.

Also can anyone tell me the concept behind a
dictionary file. Where do i specify that. Is it am
empty file like logfile where all the NAS attributes
will be stored? How do i specify it in radius.cfg

Thanks a lot. It would mean a lot to me.

# radius.cfg
# Example Radiator configuration file.
# This very simple file will allow you to get started
# a simple system. You can then add and change
# We suggest you start simple, prove to yourself that
# works and then develop a more complicated
# This example will authenticate from a standard users
file in
# the current directory and log accounting to a file
in the current
# directory.
# It will accept requests from any client and try to
handle request
# for any realm.
# And it will print out what its doing in great
# You should consider this file to be a starting point
# $Id: linux-radius.cfg,v 1.1 2001/05/17 05:33:34
mikem Exp mikem $

LogDir          /var/log/radius
DbDir           /etc/radiator
#DictionaryFile %D/dictionary.cis

# Use a low trace level in production systems.
# it to 4 or 5 for debugging, or use the -trace flag
to radiusd
Trace       4

# You will probably want to add other Clients to suit
your site,
# one for each NAS you want to work with

#<Client DEFAULT>
#      Secret  imran
#       DupInterval 1

<Client a.b.c.d>
        DefaultRealm    DEFAULT
        NasType         Cisco
        Secret imran
        DupInterval 1

# For testing: this allows us to honour requests from
# on the same host.
<Client localhost>
        Secret  imran
        DupInterval 0

#<Realm backbone>
#       <AuthBy FILE>
#               Filename %D/users
#       </AuthBy>
#       # Log accounting to a detail file
#       AcctLogFileName %L/detail

        <AuthBy FILE>
                Filename %D/users
        # Log accounting to a detail file
        AcctLogFileName %L/detail
        PasswordLogFileName %L/passwords

and here is the users file

# users
# This is an example of how to set up simple user for
# AuthBy FILE.
# The example user mikem has a password of fred, and
# receive reply attributes suitable for most NASs.
# You can do many more interesting things. See the
# manual at /usr/share/doc/Radiator-2.18.1/ref.html
# You can test this user with the command
#  radpwtst

mikem   User-Password = "fred",
        Service-Type = Framed-User,
        Framed-Protocol = PPP,
        Framed-IP-Netmask =,
        Framed-Routing = None,
        Framed-MTU = 1500,
        Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

moin    User-Password = "pete", Service-Type =
        Framed-Protocol = Ethernet,  Framed-IP-Netmask
        Framed-Routing = None,  Framed-MTU = 1500
#       Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

vince   User-Password=fred

vince   Password=biondoli
        Service-Type = Framed-User,
        Framed-Protocol = PPP,
        Framed-IP-Netmask =,
        Port-Limit = 1,
        Session-Timeout = 21600,
        Idle-Timeout = 3600


here is the output of the log  file

Thu Jul 26 11:52:57 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
moin: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 11:53:16 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
mikem: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 11:58:29 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
vince: No such user
Thu Jul 26 11:59:28 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
vince: No such user
Thu Jul 26 12:01:08 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
vince: No such user
Thu Jul 26 12:02:03 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
vince: No such user
Thu Jul 26 12:02:36 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
vince: No such user
Thu Jul 26 12:05:54 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
mikem: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 12:06:38 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
vince: No such user
Thu Jul 26 12:07:42 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
vince: No such user
Thu Jul 26 12:08:33 2001: ERR: There is no value named
Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP vince
 Password = "biondoli"        Service-Type =
Framed-User for attribute Framed-Co
mpression. Using 0.
Thu Jul 26 12:09:19 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
vince: No such user
Thu Jul 26 12:09:27 2001: ERR: There is no value named
Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP vince
 Password=biondoli        Service-Type = Framed-User
for attribute Framed-Compre
ssion. Using 0.
Thu Jul 26 12:09:37 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
mikem: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 12:10:17 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
vince: No such user
Thu Jul 26 12:12:45 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
moin: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 12:14:05 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
fred: No such user
Thu Jul 26 12:18:52 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
moin: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 12:19:22 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
mikem: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 12:19:53 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
moin: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 12:20:03 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
mikem: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 12:20:27 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
vince: No such user
Thu Jul 26 12:23:57 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
mikem: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 12:24:27 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
mikem: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 12:26:22 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
moin: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 12:30:03 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
vince: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 12:54:08 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
moin: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 12:58:37 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
moin: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 13:00:31 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
moin: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 13:00:49 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
mikem: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 13:04:12 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
moin: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 13:04:50 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
moin: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 13:27:37 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
mikem: Check item Framed-Pro
tocol expression 'PPP' does not match '' in request
Thu Jul 26 13:29:10 2001: ERR: There is no value named
Ethernet for attribute Fr
amed-Protocol. Using 0.
Thu Jul 26 13:29:20 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
moin: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 13:33:22 2001: NOTICE: SIGHUP received:
Thu Jul 26 13:33:22 2001: INFO: Server started:
Radiator 2.18.2 on radii (DEMO)
Thu Jul 26 13:33:36 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
xxx: No such user
Thu Jul 26 13:33:55 2001: NOTICE: SIGHUP received:
Thu Jul 26 13:33:55 2001: INFO: Server started:
Radiator 2.18.2 on radii (DEMO)
Thu Jul 26 13:34:37 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
moin: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 13:37:05 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
moin: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 13:37:13 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
mikem: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 13:51:36 2001: DEBUG: Reading users file
Thu Jul 26 13:51:36 2001: ERR: Could not open
dictionary file '/etc/radiator/use
rs/dictionary': Not a directory
Thu Jul 26 13:54:42 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
moin: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 13:54:58 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
mikem: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 13:55:16 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
vince: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 13:56:37 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
vince: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 14:01:25 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
mikem: Bad Password
Thu Jul 26 14:01:34 2001: INFO: Access rejected for
moin: Bad Password

Thanks a lot.

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