(RADIATOR) Authentication failing..........please help !!!
Imran Moin
imran_cu at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 25 13:56:22 CDT 2001
Hi everone,
I am new to the field of Radiator. We are in a process
of testing it for our needs. I am running into some
problems and any help to it would be greatly
I am sending my radius.cfg file which is stored under
directory. I am also sending a copy of my users file,
which contains the default user "mikem" as well as a
newly created user by the name "moin". I have
stored this file at both /etc/radiator and
/usr/local/etc directories. I did
not change anything else from the initial config.
Please note that i have removed the IP address of our
client from the file and replaced it with "a.b.c.d"
The "radpwtst" command works
properly and its output is
sending Access-Request...
sending Accounting-Request Start...
sending Accounting-Request Stop...
As far as the hardware config is concerned, Its a
Linux box with Redhat on it,
933 Mhz P III processor, 256 MB RAM, 35 GB hard disk,
Please take time to view the config and suggest
anything i need to change. Is there something that i
am overlooking.
U can also reach me at 303 735 4809. Thanks.
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