(RADIATOR) accept all auth-req

julio.prada at bt.es julio.prada at bt.es
Wed Jul 11 10:08:46 CDT 2001

you can include a group in your Realm like this:
<Realm xxx>
     AuthBy GROUP_Identifier
and your group could be compose of two AuthBy authenticators:
<AuthBy GROUP>
    AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept
     Identifier GROUP_Identifier
     AuthBy RADMIN_Identifier
     AuthBy TEST_Identifier
</AuthBy GROUP>
So in that way I think you first will authenticate via RADMIN, and in case
of failure, AuthBy TEST will always accept your authentication requests.
Test it and tell me if it works.
 -----Mensaje original-----
De: chairarth [mailto:chairath at lensodatacom.co.th]
Enviado el: lunes 9 de julio de 2001 10:38
Para: radiator
Asunto: (RADIATOR) accept all auth-req


In case of Authen by Radmin ,  how can I config Radiator to accept all
authen-requests whenever the SQL Host down. 


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