(RADIATOR) Radius Attribute to set Hostname?

Shon Stephens sstephens at corp.goamerica.net
Tue Jul 10 08:25:59 CDT 2001

I am wondering how this is done. When I connected to my former ISP, if I 
ran winipcfg, my hostname would be (as an example) 
199-200-201-202-adsl.nyc.bellatlantic.net. This is even though my Windows 
host was named Laika. I am now working to set up a dial-up service and want 
to know if there is a Radius attribute to configure the hostname of a 
dial-up client. I tried making an entry for the IP address in DNS, figuring 
that maybe Windows would do a reverse lookup on itself, but this did not 

Shon Stephens

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