(RADIATOR) Radiator Profiles

Kyle khultman at bnsi.net
Fri Jul 6 11:42:55 CDT 2001

Hi guys, I'm trying to make profiles work from a mySql table. I've
followed the example provided in the goodies directory, dealing with
doing from file authentication. I'm adding a reply field of Profile in
my first <AuthBy SQL> clause, added a second <AuthBy SQL> clause
immediatly following it, and my <AuthBy DYNADDRESS> clause is last. I've
added a StripFromReply at the end of the second AuthBy to take out the
Profile field. It does not appear to be using the second AuthBy when
authenticating an user. I see the Profile field in the reply packet.
I've included my realms.cfg file. file for examination. -- Kyle
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