(RADIATOR) Group and NT Auth

Kent, Ashley akent at ue.com.au
Wed Jul 4 17:57:57 CDT 2001

> How do you make sure a user belong to a certain group in NT 
Here's how my setup works:

authentication request handler --> Authby FILE --> Authby NT

The Authby FILE specifies which <Authby NT>  clause to call and passes the
name of the nt group to that clause.
eg. If I want to use the authby nt clause called CheckInfprd04NT and I want
the user to be a member of the group Rad-Int, then the contents of the file
in the authby file clause would be:
DEFAULT Auth-Type=CheckInfprd04NT, Group = Rad-Int

This method can provide a lot of flexibility. You can use it to ensure
different subsets of your users belong to different nt usergroups. If you
need this level of complexity then a small amount of consulting from one of
the OSC guys would be very worthwhile.

As for the problem you are having with user passwords being rejected, make
sure you are running version 2.18.1 or later. Major improvements to authby
nt were made at that release.


Ash Kent
Network Security Engineer
United Energy Australia
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