(RADIATOR) Proxy client sending port 0 to us

Miguel A.L. Paraz map at internet.org.ph
Mon Jul 2 10:04:41 CDT 2001

I get these, though I have no access to the proxy client at the moment:

Mon Jul  2 22:56:28 2001: INFO: AuthRADIUS: No reply after 3 retransmissions to
0 for xxx at domain  (210)
Mon Jul  2 22:56:28 2001: ERR: sendTo: send failed: Can't assign requested address

Does this mean that the proxy client is sending back to me using UDP port 0?
We suspect that it is overloaded.
It is running a Livingston-derived radiusd.

I think the second line is because RADIATOR tries to reply to the port 0, and
thus has an error with the UDP send?


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