(RADIATOR) Multiple Check Attributes

Robert Blayzor noc at inoc.net
Mon Dec 31 22:10:54 CST 2001

Using AuthBy SQL, how would one return multiples of the same Check
Attributes and have Radiator accept the session if the user
NAS-Port-Type matched any of those returned.

For example, I have a user that can use NAS-Port-Type Async or IDSL, but
he cannot use NAS-Port-Type Sync (ISDN).  According to the Radiator docs
the list of check attributes are compared and ALL must match, if I
return say:

NAS-Port-Type=Async,NAS-Port-Type=IDSL and the user calls and uses type
Async, will the request fail?.. And if so, how can I change it so that
any NAS-Port-Type I return from SQL will accept the session so long as
one of the attributes matches..

Robert Blayzor, BOFH
rblayzor at inoc.net

Logic:   The art of being wrong with confidence...

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