Radiator and SQL Server 2000

Alex Fritz alex at kerdaino.com
Fri Dec 28 13:03:04 CST 2001

Hey guys,
  Just a quick question about the different data sources that I have the
ability to use Radiator with.  I need to connect Radiator to SQL Server 2000
and I saw on the Technical features on the website that it had the ability
to connect to SQL 6.5 & 7 but I'm not sure which perl package goes with it
from what I can tell.  I realize that I could just use ODBC but I'm not
particularly fond of its efficiency.  Could you let me know whether I have
the ability to connect directly to SQL Server 2000 without using an ODBC
connection with Radiator?  Thank you for your time and if you could please
treat this question with urgency because we have a deadline to meet.  Thank
you again.

Alex Fritz
Kerdaino Enterprises
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Mike McCauley                               mikem at open.com.au
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Subject: (RADIATOR) Access Filters
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I need to use these filters  where would  I add them ? 

Ascend-Data-Filter="ip in forward tcp est"
(Forward, if TCP session is established)

Ascend-Data-Filter="ip in forward dstip"  
(Forward, if the destination is the IP address of
SMTP Server)

Ascend-Data-Filter="ip in drop tcp dstport = 25" 
(Drop, if TCP port is SMTP 25)

Ascend-Data-Filter="ip in forward"  
(Forward all other packets

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