(RADIATOR) check attributes

Sergio Gonzalez sagonzal at sky.net.co
Thu Dec 27 15:02:00 CST 2001

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Just forget what I said.

there is a hole difference between Dic (from Diciembre in spanish) and Dec 
(from December in english)

that was my prob.

Best regards

>Hello there:
>I got the next realm config in my radius.cfg file:
><Realm whatever>
>      RejectHasReason
>      <AuthBy SQL>
>         DBSource        dbi:mysql:radius
>         DBUsername      XXXXXXXXXX
>         DBAuth          XXXXXXXXXX
>         DefaultSimultaneousUse 1
> where USERNAME = '%n'  and TIMELEFT > 0
>         AuthColumnDef   0,User-Password,check
>         AuthColumnDef   1,Session-Timeout,reply
>         AuthColumnDef   2,GENERIC,check
>         AccountingStopsOnly
>         AcctSQLStatement update SUBSCRIBERS set 
> TIMELEFT=TIMELEFT-0%{Acct-Session-Time} where USERNAME='%n'
>     </AuthBy>
>I want to set into the CHECKATTR database field for a user this:
>Service-Type = Framed-User, NAS-Port-Type = Async, Expiration="Dic 29 2001"
>but I think I'm doing something wrong. No matter what date I set in the 
>Expiration attribute, radiator always said:
>         Reply-Message = "Request Denied"
>         Reply-Message = "Expiration date has passed"
>What am I doing wrong?
>Sergio Alejandro Gonzalez
>Director Operativo
>SkyNet de Colombia.
>Bogota, Colombia, South America.
>57 (+1) 6 422 020
>57 (+3) 7 285 094
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Sergio Alejandro Gonzalez
Director Operativo
SkyNet de Colombia.
Bogota, Colombia, South America.
57 (+1) 6 422 020
57 (+3) 7 285 094

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