(RADIATOR) Multiple session databases

David Miller dmiller at newportnet.com
Wed Dec 19 15:19:40 CST 2001

Hello all:
         I am wondering if it is possible to have multiple session 
databases in use at the same time. We currently have our session database 
setup using IBM's DB2 and it works fine. I am wanting to setup a MySQL 
database and migrate over to it. During the migration it would be very 
handy to have radiator keep duplicate databases so we can test several 
programs that we use here to query the session database, without 
interfering with the 'production' versions.
         Below is the configuration file we are currently using. Thanks in 
advance for any help or advice.

David Miller
dmiller at newportnet.com

# radius.cfg
# Created for use at Newport Internet

# Global Parameters
LogDir  /var/log/radius
DbDir   /etc/radiator/raddb

AuthPort 1645
AcctPort 1646

# User a low trace level in production systems. Increase
# it to 4 or 5 for debugging, or use the -trace flag to radiusd
Trace 3
# Trace 5

# Log file, in form of logfile.dd_Mmm_yyy
LogFile %L/logfile.%d_%v_%Y

# Username Rewrite Rules. Strip off realm name, change to lowercase, and remove
#  any whitespace.
RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
RewriteUsername tr/A-Z/a-z/
RewriteUsername s/\s+//g

# Clients
<Client a.b.c.d>
     Secret xxxxxx
     DupInterval 0

<Client a.b.c.e>
     Secret xxxxxx
     DupInterval 0

<Client a.b.c.f>
     Secret xxxxxx
     DupInterval 0

<Client a.b.c.g>
     Secret xxxxxx
     DupInterval 0

<Client a.b.c.h>
     Secret xxxxxx
     DupInterval 0

# Session Database
<SessionDatabase SQL>
     Identifier RadiusDB2
     DBSource    dbi:DB2:radius2
     DBUsername  raduser
     DBAuth       xxxxxx
</SessionDatabase SQL>

# Realms
     # Session Database to use
     SessionDatabase RadiusDB2

     <AuthBy FILE>
         # Make passwords case insensitive

         # Default SimultaneousUse check item. Can be overridden on a per 
user basis.
         DefaultSimultaneousUse 1

         Filename %D/users
            # no caching for test purposes
            # Nocache

     # Log accounting to a detail file
     # Detail filename in form of detail.dd_Mmm_yyy
     AcctLogFileName     %L/detail.%d_%v_%Y

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