(RADIATOR) Re: assign ip from radius to AS5300 NAS

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Sun Dec 16 17:29:39 CST 2001

Hello Manoj -

On Sun, 16 Dec 2001 23:59, Manoj Agrawal wrote:
> Hi!
> We are an ISP. We have two types of account one for internet account
> and another one is for email only account. Both users dial the same
> number to access our network. I want to assign IPs address to email
> only users from Radiator radius to AS5300 NAS so that I can block
> those IPs only to our email servers. But, for Internet users I am
> assigning IPs from AS5300 NAS and it works fine. So, how can I assign
> IPs from radius to AS5300 NAS.

For those users with IP addresses, you would add a reply item like this:

# define a user with a Framed-IP-Address

someuser Password = ...., .....
	Service-Type = Framed-User,
	Framed-Protocol = PPP, 
	Framed-IP-Address = n.n.n.n,
	Framed-IP-Netmask = m.m.m.m,

This topic has been discussed on the list previously, so have a look at the 
archive site and do a search (www.open.com.au/archives/radiator).

You should also check the Cisco web site for any IOS version specific radius 



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