(RADIATOR) User-Password

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Aug 28 02:45:22 CDT 2001

Hello GwangHee -

On Tuesday 28 August 2001 11:02, GwangHee Yi wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have an authentication question.
> We want to use prepaid card.
> I want to authenticate the user by calling card ID, PIN number and balance.
> How can I do that with Mysql Database.

The first thing you will have to do is set up a database to hold your user 
information, including the user names, addresses, etc. for billing purposes, 
as well as the card number, PIN, account balance and so on. You will 
obviously also need some sort of administrative interface to handle all of 
your customer management requirements. Note that this part of your 
infrastructure is independent of Radiator and the radius protocol in general.

Once you have the database issues resolved, then you will need to issue the 
card numbers to your customers and instruct them to use the card number 
instead of the more usual username, together with the PIN number instead of 
the more usual password.

Then, the Radiator configuration is quite straightforward, with an AuthBy SQL 
clause that will look up the card number and PIN number in the database and 
do all of the usual things that Radiator does (authentication, authorisation 
and accounting).

This topic has also been discussed a few times on the mailing list, so have a 
look at the archive and do a search.




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