(RADIATOR) packet manipulation

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Fri Aug 24 02:01:21 CDT 2001

Hello Yoga -

On Friday 24 August 2001 16:21, Yoga Nandiwardhana wrote:
> hi all
> how can i manipulate the timeleft on a sent/received packet? i figured i
> would have to add a PreClientHook  and another hook when i'm sending the
> packet, but which one (PostAuth/Post/PreProcessing?). And what is the
> format of the packet sent by radiator? if im trying to manipulate the
> packet at least i need to know how it looks..
> thanks all

The answer to your question depends on exactly what you are trying to do.

If you give me a bit more detail I will try to help.

Note that there are some example hooks in the Radiator distribution in the 
file "goodies/hooks.txt".

When a radius packet is being manipulated inside Radiator it is stored in 
decoded form in a memory structure that is referenced by a pointer - "$p" is 
the request packet and "$rp" is the reply packet. These are the parameters 
that are refered to pretty much everywhere in the source code. You can then 
use the normal Radiator routines to manipulate the packets (see the module 
Radius/AttrVal.pm). Again - the example hooks illustrate most of what you 

If you really want to know what is going on inside Radiator, I urge you to 
read the source code - its the best way to learn!



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