(RADIATOR) AllowInReply question

Gareth Coco gcoco at aapt.com.au
Wed Aug 15 01:38:05 CDT 2001


I've been looking at AllowInReply and it has saved some ReplyHook coding ;)

What it doesn't seem to do is provide for checking of the assigned value in a variable.
An example of this would be the "cisco-avpair" variable which can be assigned many variables.

Is there a way to use AllowInReply to actually check to see something like:

Example:                AllowInReply cisco-avpair = "ip:addr-pool=<pool name>"

or is there a command I have missed in the documentation that will allow this test?

If there isn't anything then I'll just write a ReplyHook to do the checking.


Gareth Coco

Operations and Engineering
AAPT - http://www.aapt.com.au/

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