(RADIATOR) Stalled logfile after HUP signal

Alexey Korchagin rc5 at buzuluk.ru
Tue Aug 14 22:11:36 CDT 2001

Hello Miguel,

>> Please tell what's kind of Linux you use, what's version Perl and

MALP> Engarde Linux (based on Red Hat), kernel 2.2.19 with LIDS 
MALP> (Linux Intrusion Detection System), Perl 5.6.0, Radiator 2.18.
MALP> Thanks for any ideas...

I think that you need upgrade to Radiator 2.18.2 (if you use just
2.18) and if it's will not work, only one way - send trace 4 to Huge.

Best regards,
 Alexey                            mailto:rc5 at buzuluk.ru

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