(RADIATOR) Want to force a logoff at the end of a month

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Aug 8 21:43:24 CDT 2001

Hello Brian -

On Thursday 09 August 2001 12:05, Brian Morris wrote:
> Hi All,
> If possible, I would like to return a max session time attribute to certain
> customers to force them to logoff at the end of a calendar month (say at
> 23:59 on the last day of each month) this is so I can close off our
> accounting files for billing purposes.

You will have to write a PostAuthHook to calculate the value and add a 
Session-Timeout attribute with that value to the reply packet.

You should beware of this however, as some NAS equipment will have trouble 
with large numeric values for Session-Timeout. YMMV.

> Is there a way I can configure radiator to dynamically set this attribute
> to return the end of the current month?

A better way to deal with this problem may be to configure the NAS to send 
interim accounting packets (Accounting Alives), to periodically send updated 
accounting information. Many of our customers use this with services such as 
ADSL, semi-permanent ISDN, etc.



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