(RADIATOR) CalledStation.pm and Identifier

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Aug 8 19:34:39 CDT 2001

Hello Tom -

You should put the AuthBy clause before the CalledStationId clause, as 
Radiator does a single forward pass through the configuration file.

Ie. you have to define the AuthBy prior to refering to it in a Handler.



On Thursday 09 August 2001 10:13, Tom Daly wrote:

> > Can someone look at this and tell my why this might result in the 
> error.
> <CalledStationId DEFAULT>
>         AuthBy g4file
> </CalledStationId>
> <AuthBy FILE>
>         Identifier g4file
>         Filename /usr/local/radius/etc/users
> </AuthBy>
> This is the error:
> Wed Aug  8 19:50:26 2001: WARNING: Could not find an <AuthBy> clause with
> Identifier for AuthBy g4file Wed Aug  8 19:50:26 2001: DEBUG: Reading users
> file /usr/local/radius/etc/users Wed Aug  8 19:50:27 2001: INFO: Server
> started: Radiator 2.17.1 on admin.g4.net
> --Tom
> Tom Daly
> Network Operations Administrator
> G4 Communications Corp. / Metro2000 Internet Services
> E: tomdaly at metro2000.net / W3: www.metro2000.net

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