Usman Tahir ukhant at apollo.net.pk
Fri Aug 3 07:55:20 CDT 2001

Hi ,

when i start radiusd with radius.cfg containing AuthBy UNIX i get the 
following error


Thu Aug 2 13:43:52 2001: ERR: Could not load authentication module 
Radius::AuthUnix: Can't locate Radius/AuthUnix.pm in @INC (@INC contains: . 
/opt/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i86pc-solaris /opt/lib/perl5/5.6.1 
/opt/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i86pc-solaris /opt/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1 
/opt/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at (eval 21) line 3, <FILE> line 43.

Thu Aug 2 13:43:52 2001: ERR: Unknown keyword 'Filename' in 
/usr/local/etc/radius.cfg line 45
This Radiator license will expire on 2001-09-01
This Radiator license will stop operating after 1000 requests


Now it looks to me that radiusd is looking for AuthUnix.pm ( whereas the 
originial file which got installed be default is AuthUNIX.pm ) difference in 
case . I tried to copy AuthUNIX.pm to AuthUnix.pm , when i do that this error 
goes away but in place i get a new error. This problem doesnt happen with any 
other AuthBy ( i have test Authby SQL , works fine ) , following is my 
radius.cfg file which is very basic
AuthPort 1645
LogDir .
DbDir .
Trace 3

<Client DEFAULT>
 Secret apollo
 DupInterval 0
<AuthBy SQL>
 Identifier CheckSQL
 DBSource dbi:mysql:radmin:localhost
 DBUsername root
 DBAuth usman
 AuthSelect select CLI from RADUSERS where USERNAME = '%n'
 AuthColumnDef 0, Calling-Station-Id, check

<AuthBy Unix>
 Identifier CheckSQL
 Identifier CheckPassword
 Filename /etc/shadow
 AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
 AuthBy CheckSQL
 AuthBy CheckPassword

PS : i have tried a much simpler file with simple AuthBy Unix as well and the 
result is same

i dont know if the following is needed or not but here is permission of file

# pwd
# ls -al AuthUNIX.pm
-r--r--r-- 1 root other 5152 Jun 6 23:32 AuthUNIX.pm

need help


Network Admin
Apollo Online

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