(RADIATOR) Attributes not defined in the dictionary

Imran Moin imran_cu at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 1 18:25:04 CDT 2001

Hi all,

I am just trying to get the cisco 5500 switch to
authenticate through radiator. In my logfile, i get
messages like

Wed Aug  1 12:53:28 2001: ERR: Attribute number 1
(vendor ) is not defined in you
r dictionary
Wed Aug  1 12:53:28 2001: ERR: Attribute number 2
(vendor ) is not defined in you
r dictionary
Wed Aug  1 12:53:28 2001: ERR: Attribute number 6
(vendor ) is not defined in you
r dictionary
Wed Aug  1 12:53:28 2001: ERR: Attribute number 4
(vendor ) is not defined in you
r dictionary
Wed Aug  1 12:53:28 2001: ERR: Attribute number 5
(vendor ) is not defined in you
r dictionary
Wed Aug  1 12:53:28 2001: ERR: Attribute number 1
(vendor ) is not defined in you
r dictionary
Wed Aug  1 12:53:31 2001: ERR: Attribute number 1
(vendor ) is not defined in you
r dictionary

However, i am using the default dictionary file that
is provided and when i check it, it has the entries
for the corresponding attributes. Here is the portion
of the dictionary file.

ATTRIBUTE       User-Name               1       string
ATTRIBUTE       User-Password           2       string
ATTRIBUTE       CHAP-Password           3       binary
ATTRIBUTE       NAS-IP-Address          4       ipaddr
ATTRIBUTE       NAS-Port                5      
ATTRIBUTE       Service-Type            6      
ATTRIBUTE       Framed-Protocol         7      
ATTRIBUTE       Framed-IP-Address       8       ipaddr

I have also pointed this dictionary file in my
radius.cfg file. Does anyone knows what the problem


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