(NETS) New versions?

Marco Alberoni m.alberoni at nettuno.it
Wed May 29 09:01:18 CDT 2002

Hugh Irvine wrote:
> Ciao Marco -
> Hmmmm - a better user interface - this could be a large topic.
> At the moment the user interface (and database interface) is completely 
> controlled by the module "Nets/UIDesc.pm" (and "Nets/Schema.pm"). It is 
> certainly possible to apply format controls to the input and this is already 
> done for some fields.
> Perhaps you could give me a bit more detail and I will see what can be done.

- Alert if I insert a link/interface/device/ecc already present
- Alert if I insert a link/interface/device/ecc with a "malformed" name 
(in accordance with some rules given in configuration phase)
- Automatic fill of a foreign_key-field , after inserting only few 
characters and pressing <TAB>

Only the first three things I think of...

> Otherwise, do you find that Nets meets your needs?

Yes, sure!

Yours sincerely
                   Marco Alberoni

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