(NETS) New versions?

Marco Alberoni m.alberoni at nettuno.it
Tue May 28 08:02:41 CDT 2002

Hugh Irvine wrote:
> Ciao Marco -
> Come va?

Bene, grazie!

>>Will there be new releases of Nets?
> Most certainly - if you have any requests, please send me a list and I will 
> set about implementing them and cutting a new release.

The main request is for a better user interface: more customizable and 
with format control of the input... now it's too similar to a "plain" DB 

> BTW - could you please tell me what you are using Nets for currently and how 
> it is performing for you? We have had very little feedback from our Nets 
> users thus far, and we would really like to know how people like it.

We use Nets as the mail DB for all our important data (network, devices 
and users) as ISP.

Your sincerely
                   Marco Alberoni

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