[RADIATOR] Function get_attrs not behaving as expected.

Bruno Tiago Rodrigues bruno.tiago.rodrigues at gmail.com
Fri Jul 7 16:24:21 UTC 2023

Hi everyone and greetings to the OSC team and all Radiator users.

Inside a hook, processing the reply packet, wasn't
get_attrs('Framed-Route') supposed to get an array of one or more values of
the given attribute?

>From AttrList.pm:
# Decode the value from all instances of the requested the attribute
# Return an array of decoded values
# Requires the subclass to define decode()
sub get_attrs
    my ($self, $attrnum, $vendornum) = @_;

    $vendornum = 0 unless defined $vendornum;
    my @ret;
    foreach (@{$self->{Attributes}})
        if ($_->[0] == $attrnum && $_->[1] == $vendornum)
            # Want this one
            push(@ret, $self->decode(@$_));
    return @ret;

I'm getting a structure that holds all values of the reply packet instead
of just Framed-Route:

use Data::Dumper;

sub {

my $rp = ${$_[1]}; #this is the response object
my @attrs = $rp->get_attrs('Framed-Route');
print Dumper(@attrs);


Whenever two framed routes are returned, the variable holds this:

$VAR1 = {
          'Framed-Route' => [
          'Framed-Pool' => 'test.bu'

Whenever just one framed route is returned, the variable holds this:

$VAR1 = {
          'Framed-Pool' => 'test.bu',
          'Framed-Route' => ''

The way I see it, the returning structure should be

$VAR1 = [


$VAR1 = [

or even an empty array if no attributes are present.

Any ideas? Comments?


Bruno Tiago Rodrigues
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