[RADIATOR] Fwd: An update to a dictionary

Heikki Vatiainen hvn at open.com.au
Sun Apr 30 12:12:42 UTC 2023

On 16.3.2023 10.43, Stefan Paetow (OpenSource) via radiator wrote:

> Now that people are messing about with OpenRoaming, I've discovered an 
> attribute that is currently not covered by dictionaries. I suggest 
> you update the entries in the dictionary for the Wi-Fi Alliance 
> (vendor 40808) to add this:
> VENDORATTR WFA-HS20-Roaming-Consortium 6 string
> I found a reference to this at 
> https://wiki.geant.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=133763844
> Apparently the Wi-Fi Alliance are notoriously protective of their 
> RADIUS dictionary, so unless someone has $50,000 to spend on becoming 
> a member, we're out of luck.

Thanks! I did some further searching and found the following attributes 
and one new value for WFA-HS20-AP-Version:

VENDORATTR  40808    WFA-HS20-Terms-And-Conditions-Filename   7  string
VENDORATTR  40808    WFA-HS20-Terms-And-Conditions-Timestamp  8  integer
VENDORATTR  40808    WFA-HS20-Terms-And-Conditions-Filtering  9  binary
VENDORATTR  40808    WFA-HS20-Terms-And-Conditions-Server-URL 10 string

VALUE   WFA-HS20-AP-Version        Release-3    2

The attribute numbers and types are based on wpa_supplicant source and 
how it uses them. The names are my best guess on what they might be 
because wpa_supplicant doesn't use dictionary names (or types) for these 

It also seems that we can now expect to see WFA-HS20-AP-Version with a 
new value '2' to indicate Passpoint release 3 support.

wpa_supplicant hints that T-C-Timestamp can be a Unix timestamp, but it 
can be some other 32 bit integer value too. T-C-Filtering appears to be 
four octets. The above may need some updates and clarifications but the 
definitions should already be helpful.

Heikki Vatiainen
OSC, makers of Radiator
Visit radiatorsoftware.com for Radiator AAA server softwar
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