[RADIATOR] Request for enhancement: Log Handler InfluxDB or at least UDP

Heikki Vatiainen hvn at open.com.au
Fri Feb 5 06:47:13 CST 2016

On 2.2.2016 13.14, Karl Gaissmaier wrote:

> yes, like heka http://hekad.readthedocs.org as forwarding agent and/or
> anomaly processor.

Interesting, thanks for sharing this.

> Heka has also a sandboxed Lua interpreter to decode unusual log formats,
> maybe I'll not implement the hook in RADIATOR.
> Maybe it's really enough to create normal logs and use heka (or similar
> tools)
> to process anomaly detection and forward it to graphite/influxdb.

Meanwhile, I did a basic Influxdb and Grafana installation to test it a 
little. Below is a simple AuthLog FILE format hook that creates an entry 
in Influxdb line protocol format and sends it before logging it to a 
file. It simply removes some of the characters that need to be quoted in 
the line protocol format and creates a new socket for each call. It's 
very primitive but, it will do basic logging and is a quick way to 
experiment and get something stored in Influxdb and visible in Grafana.

The entry that gets logged in authlog file is useful to see how the line 
that was sent to Influxdb was formatted.

# AuthLog in InfluxDB format
     my ($s, $reason, $p) = @_;

     my $ap = $p->get_attr('NAS-Identifier');
     my $client_mac = $p->get_attr('Calling-Station-Id');
     my $username = $p->get_attr('User-Name');

     my ($sec, $usec) = Radius::Util::getTimeHires();
     my $influxtime = "$sec$usec"."000";

     # Strip space, \ and "
     # See Influxdb docs for what/how to quote
     $username =~ s/[ \\"]//g;
     $reason =~ s/[ \\"]//g;

     my $dp; # InfluxDB line protocol data point
     if ($s == $main::ACCEPT)
         my $key = 

         my $fields = "value=\"$username\"";
         $dp = "$key $fields $influxtime";
     elsif ($s == $main::REJECT)
         my $key = 

         my $fields = "value=\"$username\",special_val=\"$reason\"";
         $dp = "$key $fields $influxtime";

     use IO::Socket::INET;
     my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => '',
                                  PeerPort => '8090',
                                  Proto    => 'udp');
     $socket->send($dp . "\n");
     return $dp;

Here's the config I used.

LogDir		.
DbDir		.
Trace 		4

<Client DEFAULT>
	Secret	mysecret

<AuthLog FILE>
	Identifier myauthlogger-influxdb
	Filename %L/authlog-influx.txt
	LogFormatHook file:"%D/format-influx.pl"
	LogSuccess 1
	LogFailure 1

	<AuthBy FILE>
		Filename %D/users

	AuthLog myauthlogger-influxdb

Heikki Vatiainen <hvn at open.com.au>

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