(RADIATOR) SubjAltName:DNS is case sensitive

Mike McCauley mikem at open.com.au
Tue Mar 18 21:53:42 CST 2008

Hello Jan,

On Wednesday 19 March 2008 01:21, Jan Tomasek wrote:
> Hi,
> I just discovered that dns name matching in Radiator is case sensitive.
> My server with SubjAltName:DNS=r1orgC.etest.cesnet.cz isn't matched when
>   <AuthBy RADSEC>
>    Host		r1orgc.etest.cesnet.cz
>    ...
> please can be hostname matching changed to be case insensitive?

Thanks for the suggestion.
AuthBy RADSEC now does case insensitive matches.
New support is in the latest patch set.


Mike McCauley                               mikem at open.com.au
Open System Consultants Pty. Ltd            Unix, Perl, Motif, C++, WWW
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Phone +61 7 5598-7474                       Fax   +61 7 5598-7070

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