(RADIATOR) Shasta 5000 NAS Port Missing

Tommy Mazejian - DC Soft tommy at dcsoftintl.com
Tue May 11 05:09:07 CDT 2004



Recently we have deployed Shasta 5000 for PPP over L2TP, with BSN acting as
LNS. The running iSOS is version


In this specific environment, Shasta DOES NOT send NAS-Port RADIUS
attributes (verified by Nortel's documentation), which is needed to
delete/reset sessions in the online table.


The direct result of this, is large number of users to remain hanged on the
system, until manually the sessions are cleared from the database RadOnline.


We have tried the Acc-Session-ID attribute, instead of having the condition
on NAS-Port, however this has its set of problems, which is the session ID
are always unique, and the online session for a hanged user will never be


We have even tried Framed-IP-Address condition, but again DURING
AUTHENTICATION we do NOT have the Framed-IP-Address.


I will be very grateful if you can provide some helpful hints/tricks to
overcome this issue based on your experience with Shasta.



Best regards,




Thomas Mazejian

Project Manager


DC Soft - Next Generation Development Today


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