(RADIATOR) Clarification of earlier message

Mike Saunders msaunders at minot.com
Wed Aug 21 16:08:16 CDT 2002

Hello again,
	I should clarify what I sent earlier.  Currently we have
3Com/USR Total Control Hiper-Arc chassis in place that our local users
dial up to.  We use <AuthBy UNIX> to authenticate our local users.  The
Total Controls are each allocated a block of IP addresses from which
they assign to users.  What I need to happen is if certain users dial
up, I want them to get a static IP associated with their username.   I
can set up an SQL db for this if need be.  I'm just not sure *what*
needs to be done to authenticate static IP users and also users from a
unix password file and have the Total Controls hand them off an IP.  Is
this possible?  Or should all users be migrated into an SQL database?
Do I need to not have my TC's assign IP's?


Mike Saunders
Systems Administration
Magic Internet Services, Inc.
(701) 838-1265
msaunders at minot.com

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