(RADIATOR) Auth by Sybase vs. flat file

Andrew Kaplan noc at cshore.com
Thu Sep 20 15:45:26 CDT 2001

As I mentioned in my previous post. I plan to move my NAS server (Total
Control) to a colo facility and maintain my Rodopi box at my main facility.
I plan to move my radiator server to the colo facility and rem out the first
section that does <AuthBy RODOPI> and just us <AuthBy FILE>. A second
radiator box will be set up as a secondary auth server and use a cronjob to
get a copy of the auth file name. I assume this will work and Rodopi will
still get the accounting information to maintain time on line activity.

What's the advantage of using <AuthBy RODOPI> over <AuthBy FILE>.

<Realm cshore.com>
#	AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept

	AcctLogFileName %L/%Y/%m/%d-details
        <AuthBy RODOPI>
                DBSource        dbi:Sybase:server=AbacBill
                DBUsername      rodopi
                DBAuth          rodopi

	<AuthBy FILE>
		Filename /etc/acctmgr/users

<SessionDatabase SQL>
	DBSource dbi:mysql:Radius
	DBUsername Radius
	DBAuth KnubbyDo
	AddQuery \
		insert into Sessions (UserName, NASIdent, NASPort, \
		SessionID, TimeStamp, FramedIPAddress, NASPortType, \
		ServiceType) values ('%n', '%N', %{NAS-Port}, \
		'%{Acct-Session-Id}', %{Timestamp}, '%{Framed-Address}', \
		'%{NAS-Port-Type}', '%{Service-Type}')
        DeleteQuery \
		delete from Sessions where Username='%n' and \
	NASIdent='%N' and NASPort=%{NAS-Port}
       ClearNasQuery \
		delete from Sessions where NASIdent='%N'
        CountQuery \
		select NASIdent, NASPort, SessionID from Sessions \
		where Username='%n'

Andrew P. Kaplan
Network Administrator
CyberShore, Inc.

"I couldn't give him advice in business and he couldn't give me
advice in technology." --Linus Torvalds, about why he wouldn't
be interested in meeting Bill Gates.

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