(RADIATOR) AcctLogFileName and AuthBy LDAP2 ??

Eric Castaneda ericjc at ferguson.com
Wed Oct 3 07:40:44 CDT 2001

  We are running Radiator 2.18.4 using Authby LDAP2 to authenticate
  users against Open LDAP 2.0.7.  We need to have "detail" type logging
  that is enabled by using the "AcctLogFileName" option in the radius.cfg
  file.  Section 6.35 of the latest reference manual states that
  Radiator "does not log, (but does reply to) accounting requests".

  Is there a workaround for this?  Any help would be most appreciated.
  I really don't understand why Radiator would do a detail log while
  authenticating against a flat file, but not do a detail log while
  authenticating against LDAP.

  Thank you,
  Eric Castaneda

  =  Eric J. Castaneda                                 Phone: 757-989-2394  =
  =  Manager of Systems Administration         E-Mail: ericjc at ferguson.com  =
  =  Ferguson Enterprises, Inc.                    http://www.ferguson.com  =

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